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A Pitchman For You

Anyone can buy a Mont Blanc or some other fancy pen and call themselves a salesman. Top performing sales professionals however earn and own a Pitchman.  A Pitchman is the embodiment of all things sales. It represents all that you have accomplished and will accomplish in your sales career.  It says you are tops in your game. It’s your deal closing pen. 

Top performing sales professionals from many industries own a Pitchman.  In fact, some of those people are in the Guinness Book of Worlds records for their sales achievements.  

If the following resonates with you, then it’s probably time to trade up from your current deal closing to a Pitchman. 

“I own a pen that is only used for signing contracts. The only time anyone sees it is if we are inking a deal. When this pen makes its appearance, it carries a weight with it. And I don't dare pull it out of my jacket pocket unless I intend to ask someone to sign on the line which is dotted. 

The pen has only made appearances when there are deals to be signed. Because of its very specific purpose, I think about it before I bring it to any meeting. "Am I going to close a deal today or are we just here to catch up?”  Knowing that there is that much gravity attached to each time I bring this pen out, there is no way I am going into a meeting with the pen unless I am making an ask and intending to get contracts signed.

The weight of intentionality that I feel with it clipped to my inside jacket pocket ensures that if I want to bring it out, it is going to be for the purpose of bringing in new business and letting it live up to it's intentional place in my closing process.

Besides that, once people see it, they want to hold it and use it. It just makes sense for them to have a place to put their signature.” 


We trust your new Pitchman will help you to Own The Close™!